T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
February, 1941
needs; . . Just as, in your salvation, God did all, . . . so in your sanctification and service God must do all, and you will take no part in it, but to accept what He will do for you. A—-David Tryon. 18. The Satisfied Heart “Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’ s” (Psa. 103:5). The unsatisfied life is one that lacks its appointed relationships. It- spends itself in mean fellowships When it.was ordained for the communion of the Holy Ghost. . . . It becomes dissatisfied be cause its powers are not exercised. The spirit of man grows old when it lacks the primary satisfaction. But when God satisfies us with His good things, the heart grows young again. How can any heart grow old if faith, hope, and love dwell within it?—J. H. Jowett. 19. Joy or Happiness ? “Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased” (Psa. 4:7.), The gladness due to corn and wine increasing was earthly joy. But the joy which He gives is from above; it is not dependent on circumstances. Cir cumstances may change; life may be come difficult; but joy abides. Happi ness is different. Happiness depends up on what haps; but joy goes deeper down. Joy is like the Atlantic cable, not affected by the storms overhead. — H. W. Hinde. 20. His Plan Is Best “Hath not the potter power over the clay . . . ?” (Rom. 9:21). My Father knows what’s best for me, Although at times I cannot see His matchless, perfect plans.
He knows my talents, knows my fears, Knows what’s ahead in future years— He knows and understands. Dear Lord, I know that better plan Could never be worked out by man. Thine is the perfect way. And so I want Thee, Lord, to take, To form and fashion, mold and make My life. . . from yielded clay. —Geneva Bowman. 21. Our Inward History “All things are naked . . . unto the eyes of him with whom we have to d°” (Heb. 4:13). It was the Pharisee’s misery that he thought only of how he looked to oth ers. It was the publican’s blessing that he cared only for what he was before the eyes of God. Let us pray for a real knowledge of ourselves. Let us endeavor to keep an account of that inward history which belongs to each one of us . . . to which every day that passes adds its something, of which God knows all.—Canon Liddon. 22. Receiving by Humility “The dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table” (Matt. 15:27). May we always have grace to take our proper place under the Master’s table and plead for the crumbs. God says we have sinned and come short of His glory. Let us reply, “Truth, Lord; yet Thou receivest sinners, and eatest with them.” . . . We receive God’s favors only as we thus accept the positions of unworthiness and weakness to which we are assigned in His Word.—A. C. Dixon. 23. How Do You Know? “But now is Christ risen from the dead” (Acts 15:20). “How do you know that .Christ is risen?” some one asked an old fisher man. whose faith in Jesus seemed very simple. “Do you see those cottages near’ that high cliff?” he replied. “Sometimes, when I am far out at sea, I know that the sun is risen by the reflection in those windows. How do I know that Christ is risen? Because I see His light reflected from the faces of some of my fellows every day.”—Selected. 24. Keeping It Secret “Pray to thy Father which is in se cret” (Matt. 6:6). A person gets the reputation for be ing very humble, very prayerful—and that is exceedingly dangerous. Jesus spoke of the secret room and the closed door for prayer, and He meant it liter ally. But that is the very hardest thing He ever told us. For as soon as we do have a secret chamber , , , we get up in some meeting and tell of it. —Lionel B. Fletcher.
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