T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
February, 1941
crying boy who was “precious in the sight of the Lord.” Breathing a little prayer, she crossed the narrow alleyway that separated them. “Good evening, young man!” greeted Miss Carlisle gaily. “May I sit down beside you ?” Now Toby was a shy little boy, and he felt more embarrassed than usual, for he didn’t» want any one to know that he had been crying, gut this lady looked so nice—and she was so friendly, and Toby was lonely. So he choked back his sobs, put two dirty fists to his eyes to wipe away the tears, and brought them away leaving more smudges than ever on his face. And then quietly and shyly he gave a little half-smile and made a place for her beside him; The puppy seemed as happy about it all as Miss Carlisle herself was, because he turned circles all over the place, falling over his short, stubby legs, and wag ging his tail joyously. Toby liked the nice lady right away because she smiled very sweetly and had a soft voice, almost like his own mother’s. Soon they were good friends, and Toby chatted merrily about his kite, his frog that got away, his turtle named “Sleepy,” and about his new sling shot, and, oh, so many things. And then, Toby, being a boy, was curious about something Miss Carlisle had been carrying. It was a strange- looking board"! with hinges on it, and she was taking out some colored card board pictures that looked like houses, trees, and people. Toby could scarcely suppress his joy. He was going to have a really, truly birthday, for the nice lady was going to tell him a story! Miss Carlisle opened up the board, and soon there was a sky—a beautiful blue sky—some grass, some water, and then a brown temple on the far corner of the board. Then she told him the wonderful story of Baby Moses and of how the wicked king would have taken his life but for the heavenly Father’s loving care and protection. Little Toby thought it was wonderful that God would love Baby Moses and take care of him. And then Miss Carlisle told him that God loved him the same as He loved Baby Moses. She told him how his heart was black because of sin (he admitted that sometimes he was naughty and disobeyed his “Mommy” and did things that he shouldn’t), but that God had sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die on the ,cross of Cal vary that Toby’s heart might be made white. Toby’s eyes brimmed with tears as he heard that the wonderful Lord Jesus had died on the cross for him, and he asked, “Oh, what can I do for Him ?” Miss Carlisle told him that the Lord Jesus was knocking at his heart’s door and if he would but open
it, Jesus could come in and be his Friend. And that is just what Toby did. He opened his heart’s door and asked the Lord Jesus to come in and be his Saviour—and of course the Lord Jesus did. Miss Carlisle was very happy, and she stayed to explain to Toby how he could pray to the heavenly Father every day. And now Miss Carlisle had to go home, but she promised Toby that she would return soon with other stories about the Lord Jesus. As she went on down the alleyway, Toby waved to her from the porch steps. Therg were the same smudges on his face, but he was a dif ferent Toby inside, for his heart was whiter than snow. And he was no longer crying, but he was, oh, so happy. He scarcely could wait for his “Mommy” to get home so that he could tell her about his “really, truly” birthday pres ent—about his new Friend, the Lord Jesus Christ who loved Baby Moses and who also loved and cared for- him.
9. “The king saw the part of the hand that wrote” (Dan. 5:5). 10. “The den of lions” (Dan. 6:16).! 11. A rod that budded (Num. 17:8). 12. An ass that spoke (Num. 22:30). Memory Work T he C hristian ' s H eavenly H ome Discussion: Speak of the home. Show that it is more than a mere building; it is a place where loved ones are. Question: How did the Lord Jesus comfort His disciples by speaking about many mansions ? , Answer: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:1, 2). Question: Did the Lord Jesus say that He would come again? Answer: “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:3). Question: Where in God’s Word is a description of the heavenly city given? Answer: Revelation 21 and 22. Read of this beautiful place in these two chapters. New K. Y. B. C. Members The following have read through the Gos pel according to John and are now members of the Know Your Bible C lu b : BOONE, I O W A : Alberta Jones; Esther King, and B etty and Patty Nemeshek (Nellie W orkman, leader). E A ST ORANG E , N. J .: Mildred B a h r; Mildred Brown ; B etty C olie; Dolly C ow ard; Dolores D o ty ; Maxine E lliott; Beatrice G eorge; M ary G ibson; Catherine G u est; Katherine J an s; Vera L a m b ; Doris M agin n ; Jean Muchmore ; Ida R ack ett; Patricia R a e ; Ruth R a n d ; Thelma R ow land; Anna and June Sann ; Helen Schlachter; M ary S la ck ; Mabel Spangenberg; Louise Tonkin, and Albertha W agner (M rs. G. E . Michalson, leader). H AM IL T O N , ONT., C A N .: Irene C hapke: Vivian E venden; Anna K e a n ; Arlene K e lly : Georginia and M argaret K napm an; Helen and Phyllis M iran d a; and M argaret San ders (Jean E . Cooper, leader). H OLTON , ELANS.: Audry A b e l; Daniel and George B a se l; Julia B ronson; Ruby Fowler ; Phyllis H o lt; Irene K nauss ; Donald and Dorothy Lynn ; Billy Charles and Lois M cA llister; Louise Schlodder, and Junior W hitcraft (M rs. Paul Krauss, leader)] J A R R E T T S V IL L E ,' M D .: M ary Ruth Coen (M rs. W . V. St. Clair, leader). M A R IA V IL L E , N E B R .: R ex Coffm an (M rs. Wm . R. Connell, teacher). R O U L E T T E , P A .: Embert Carpenter; Leon C h astain; Glendon Hallock, and Leslie Stilwell (M rs. E . L. Carpenter, leader). W A Y Z A T A , M IN N .: Ruth B eecher; B ar bara D eV ries; Janet Jon es; Barbara Lind quist ; Patty Mills, and Marian Reedy (M rs. Edna Dart, teacher ). How to Join the K. Y. B. Club To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel a c cording to John, using either your own Bible or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been read, and a statement to that effect signed by parent or Sunday-school teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Junior K ing’s Busi ness, a K . Y. B . C. pin will be mailed. Sunday-school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord directs: Gospels, postpaid, five cents each— In quantity, three cents; pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address: Junior King’ s B usi ness, «SS S, Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.
Hearts God has many things to say in His Word about the heart. In your K. Y. B. C. notebook, try making a list of the different kinds of hearts mentioned in the Bible. The following references will help you in preparing this list: Psalm (78:37; Jeremiah 17:9; 24:7; Ezekiel 11:19; 18:31; Matthew 5:8; Mark 8:17; Luke 24:25. Finding Names Name the characters suggested by the following: 1. “Dipped himself seven times in Jor dan” (2 Ki. 5:14). 2. “A mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pound weight” (John 19:39). 3. “A new jawbone of an ass” (Judg. 15:15). 4. "Coats of skins” (Gen, 3:21). 5. “Nine hundred sixty and nine years” (Gen. 5:27). 6. “A great woman” (2 Ki. 4:8). 7. “ So the sun returned ten degrees” (Isa. 38:8). 8. "Arise, and go ¿own to the potter’s house” (Jer. 18:2).
*Scripturegraph board.
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