King's Business - 1941-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February, 1941

trend toward internationalism on an unprecedented scale is one of the most significant developments from the pro­ phetic standpoint. No matter how the war ends, this trend will be greatly accelerated. Despite strong isolationist sentiment, it appears certain that this trend will gain increasing strength in America, as well as throughout the world. Whether or not Uncle Sam goes to war, he seems headed for increasing involvement in foreign affairs leading up to experiments in the erection of “ the new world order.” It is .clear that America’s historic foreign policy has been completely re­ versed. This, of itself, would not be significant, except as it seems to pres­ age a much wider swing in the direction of our participation in the coming “world-state.” Of course, this has noth­ ing to do with the old issue of national­ ism versus internationalism, as conven­ tionally understood. For, even in its most extreme form, internationalism never formerly meant anything remote­ ly approaching the concept of “Federal Union.” The popularization of this con­ cept is doubtless the outstanding de­ velopment of the past year. pel of Luke and very substantial portions of the Acts, Romans, Hebrews, 1 Peter, 1 John, and the Revelation, -with some of the orig­ inal woodcuts, as well as his m arginal notes, as translated by. W illiam Tyndale in the sixteenth century. H istory has seen his dy­ ing prayer, “Lord, open the K ing of E n g­ land’s eyes,”; answered ’ a thousand times. The two closing chapters by J. F . Mozley and John R . Coates presenting an , account of the translator’s life and influence, pay trib-. ute to the accomplishmeht -of the m artyr’s famous words addressed to a Roman eccle­ siastic: “If God snare m y life, ere many years I will cause a hoy that driveth the plow shall know more of the Scripture than thou dost.” 258 pages. The United Society for Christian' Literature, 4 Boiiverie Street, E. C. 4, London, Eng. Cloth. Price $2.85. Road to Revival B y V A N C E H A V N E R A group of twelve evangelistic messages, sent out, as the author explains, that "they m ay help believers along the ‘road to revival' and thereby bring many unsaved to a saying knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ,” com ­ prise this collectioji of soul-m oving sermons. Some of the most powerful chapters deal with questions: “W here Are the Marks of the Cross'?” “W h y H ave the Showers Been W ithholden?” and “ W hére Is the Lord God of E lija h ? ’ The author styles himself as “a country preacher,” and his utterances reach the depth of one’s soul.. .114 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. “Old Rugged Cross Song Specials” Containing the two great 'favorites every­ where.- “The Christ of the Human' Road, and “Tell Me H is . N am e Again,” and other beautiful numbers. 30c per copy, or two cop­ ies for 50c. BIENNARD MUSIC COMPANY, Albion, Midi.

and see visions pf a “Warless world,” a world of peace and plenty for all. And they will be led to make great sacrifices to "usher in the new order.” National traditions and independence will have to be surrendered. Individual liberty will be abridged in a score of different re­ spects. Freedom will be traded for the promise of security. There will be a vast centralization of power. A “world capital” will be estab­ lished. There will be “economic plan­ ning” on an international scale. Every nation, and every' individual in every nation, will be obliged to submit to the authoritative command of the central­ ized >“world\government.” Naturally, this will be a gradual de­ velopment. Neither individual liberty nor national independence will be lost all at once. The “new world order” will not be created overnight; it will be evolved over a period of time. Nations will drift into an assumption of that status in which their very national identity '-will be obscured. The “world union” will, doubtless, be effected in an economic way initially. The actual po­ litical union will come later. In this writer’s opinion, the present N ot a commentary in the strict sense of the word; but a collection of inspirational - ind devotional expositions covering the whole Bible— this set of fourteen volumes jy a well-beloved Bible teacher will be an tid to any. pastor or other Christian worker, l’he series was prepared during a period of ten years’ ministry, when the author was ingaged in evangelistic work which took him around the world. Everywhere It was found that his spoken word and his written message magnified the Lord Jesus Christ and H is salvation. ■ ■ , In each volume, the outline of the chap­ ters is clear and thought-provoking; the analysis is true' to thp W ord of G od ; the added illustrations are illuminating. Each volume contains at least thirty expositions, and the whole culminates in a striking com ­ parison or parallelism of the two creations— that of Genesis l.:l-5 and-that o f Revelation 21:1. The books are uniform ly bound in red cloth., 288 p ages'p er volume. Union Gospel Press, Cleveland, Ohio. Price $1.00 each, or $12.00 (14 volumes) per s e t ~ The Science of Biblical Hermeneutics B y R O L LIN TH OM A S C H A F E R Defining hermeneutics as “a'S tu d y of the law s governing interpretation,” and consid­ ering the -sthdy and application to be both a science and an art, the able author scrjp- turally presents the principles of inductive and deductive logic as applicable to Bible study. ■ : , • • ■ . _ ■ . To say that Dr Chafer is Professor of Hermeneutics at the D allas Theological Sem ­ inary and is Literary and Managing Editor of the Bibliotheca Sacra is sufficient to high­ ly recommend this publication to theological students in training as well as to ministers of the W ord. Published by Bibliotheca Sacra, 3909 Swiss Avenue, D allas, Texas. Cloth. Pried $1.00. Tyndale Commemoration Volume Edited by R. M ER C ER W ILSON The reader is given the whole of the Gos Wells of Living Water B y R . E. N E IG H B O U R

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NEWS [ Continued from Page 43] out question that the present war, like most previous Wars, was the product of clashing national interests. War is in­ evitable,4so the theory runs, so long as the world is divided up into a large number of individual nations, each of which has its own interests, its own ideals, its own tradition, and its own independence. So long as nations have existed, wars have broken out among them. Hence, it is argued, thè only way to get rid of the wars is ,to get rid of the nations! If nations are abolished, then war is automatically eliminated. This theory may sound strangely similar to the old formula for getting rid of rats by burning down the bam. But, in desperation, the world’s states­ men seem to be driven to drastic meas­ ures if the curse of war is to be re­ moved from mankind. At least, so their argument runs. Obviously, the defi­ ciency in their logic is the failure to recognize the real nature, cause, and cure for war. War is the product of sin; and it cannot be cured by human ex­ pedients. War will continue until the Prince of Peace returns to earth and establishes His own reign of righteous­ ness. Those who think that “a world state” would eliminate war, by abolish­ ing nations, seem to forget that there is such a thing as civil war and that while nationalism might be abolished, sectionalism never could be, because -it is rooted in selfishness. PROPHETIC SIGNIFICANCE; • Utopia on earth, to be constructed by human hands, is Satan’s counterfeit of the kingdom of God. The atheist- communist propagandists have always offered an “earthly utopia” as a sub­ stitute for heaven. Antichrist will prom­ ise and propose to all peoples a utopian kingdom on an international scale. He will be the “superinternatlonalist" of all ages; his followers will acclaim him as the superman for whom mankind has waited to usher in the ultimate “new world order.” Many of the advocates of extreme ’’forms of internationalism are doubtless sincere, but they do not understand Bible prophecy. In most cases, they do not accept the Bible as an authority at all. Hence, they do not realize the man­ ner in which the stage is being set for the emergence of Antichrist and his kingdom. This preparation is psychological as well as- political, economic, and social. Men’s minds aré being accustomed to the idea of a world “superstate” which is supposed to stabilize peace and pros­ perity for all men, for all time. The masses of men in the democracies, as well as in the dictatorships, will be fed increasing' doses of this alluring propa­ ganda. They will be led to dream dreams

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