TflBERnncLE Hvmns numBER FOUR - it Opens for you matchless resources o f sacred song. Richer and fuller in its scope and treatment o f foundation truths than its famous predecessors. Here are the ‘old favorites’, many new num bers and songs revived to meet present evangelical needs. Just the practical all-purpose book o f deep spiritual power you have long awaited. Years in Preparation “ TABERNACLE HYMNS NUMBER FOUR” is ‘without an equal’. Only our years o f experience in developing the Tabernacle Hymns series, our unexampled opportunity to study the musical needs and preferences o f churches all over the land and our patient research and long planning has made this great book possible— truly the Song Book o f the Nation. Compare it w ith any other in musical content, quality o f manu facture and character o f binding and you will be convinced o f its surpassing worth. Satisfies young and old— trained musicians, pastors, church members and Sunday School children.
--------------------------------------- — —, Features and Advantages • M ore heart-warm ing, life- changing songs— 342 musical numbers— 352 pages. e Many newsongs, newarrange ments or revivals— 78 in all. e Contains instrumental numbers for preludes, etc. e Strong special days section. e Topic Index of Scripture read ings—a new exclusive feature, e More complete Topical Index of songs—91 headings, e Two binding colors— green and maroon. e Round orshaped note editions. • Complete orchestration. .__________________________________—<
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