February, 1941
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
querade party. When ultimate truth is involved, tolerance .can only be the handr maid of a feeble intellect and a plea for broadmindedness the bleat of stu pidity. The religions, of the world are the monuments to man’s attempt to expiate his sin and to avoid the punishment which he rightly feels to be impending after death. There is no emotion more persistent or universal in mankind than the fear of death and its aftermath. Conceding the existence of a benign and omnipotent Creator who has enacted natural laws for His material creation so far transcending the powers of man that only a very small part can even be comprehended, and considering that He has endowed His animate creatures with instincts and powers sufficient for meeting the conditions that confront them, to assume that He would endow the choicest specimen of His handiwork —man—with a capacity for God-con sciousness and communion with Himself and then would mock him by providing no sure means of exercising these lofty powers, would be to violate the prin ciples of logic as well as to impugn the character of the Creator. This writer has spent many years as a missionary, has delved somewhat into pagan religions and philosophies, has conversed at length with their dev otees, and has observed the religious incantations of their votaries. We hjive found nothing but traditional and me chanical attachment to external forms usually accompanied by crass commer cialism, and have noted an utter lack of assurance, joy, peace, and hope. We have further noted, especially among the followers of polytheistic re ligions, a great tendency toward in clusiveness. It is perfectly possible for a man to declare himself to be a be liever in three or four religions at the same time. We were reading an in scription in Chinese on a stone tablet set atop a hill overlooking a brOad plain, by a man who had come to full faith in Christ and who left this testimony: “I was formerly a believer in the three religions, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism; now I have found the Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus who died on Calvary’s cross to save me from my sins.” When this Orien tal scholar found Christ, human reli gions went overboard. The Lord Jesus Christ is true, and His way of salvation as revealed in „ the Holy Scriptures is utterly exclusive and final. The cross of Calvary and the blood shed there constitute the one and only method of cleansing for guilty sinners, and their only means of justi fication in the sight of the holy God rf the men of every race and color. The thought that men of different races, colors, and conditions could be granted access to God on their own terms is an absurdity on the face of it, and an
insult to the intelligence and consist ency of God. • If there is any one reading these lines who has not come humbly to God by Christ the Way—the oqly Way, or who has not believed on Christ the Truth—the only Truth, or has not re ceived of Christ the Life—the only Life, then, my friend, I solemnly warn you, you are yeL in your sins and headed Significance By DAN Washington, D. C , am THE NEW WORLD ORDER: • The popular pastime of the political scientists and economists of all nations is the plotting and planning of “the new world order.” No matter how the war in Europe ends, some grandiosè attempt to establish a “new world ;order” is almost certain to eventuate. Hitler has frankly stated the German war aim to be the establishment of a “new, universal” system under which the “blessings of Nazi culture” will be extended to all nations. Mussolini has long harbored the dream of reviving the Old Roman Empire and making of him self a modern Caesar. The fixed policy of Soviet Russia has been “world revo lution,” and the Third International has functioned as the world-wide agency of Stalin to advance international Soviet- ism. , Recently, a vast volume of propa ganda has been exerted toward the end of directing the democracies, as well as the dictatorships, along the path o f '“ a new world order.” It is freely predicted in diplomatic circles that a British vic tory over the Axis powers will lead, not only to an entirely new order in Europe, but throughout the entire world as well. The blueprints of the “new world order” are naturally vague, although a whole series of books have been written on the general subject. Clarence Streit’s Union Now was the lead-off, but H. G. Wells’ The New World Order is perhaps the most popular. Wells contènda that the present European war is “a stupid conflict upon secondary issues, which is delaying and preventing an overdue world adjustment.” While opposing Hit ler’s design for “world revolution,” Wells proposes one of his own. He calls for a social revolution “profounder even than the revolution attempted by the Communists in Russia.” ABOLISHING A M E R I C A N INDE PENDENCE? • The United States, of course, is not left out of these designs for a new world set-up. In fact, Uncle Sam is scheduled to play a leading role. Even
for eternal destruction and death. But, praise God, the way of grace is still open, His truth is still ayailable, and the water of: His life still flows freely. You may drink of it now, believe on Him now, and be saved to all eternity through this one, exclusive, God-given Way. Will you not kneel and accept now? —James R. Graham, Jr. of the News GILBERT I San Diego, California in Congress, one hears a great deal of discussion regarding the manner in which the United States will be called upqn to “underwrite” - a new interna tional economic system after the war. The more extreme proposals involve the abolition of American independence. All nations and boundary lines would be wiped out, and all the world would be incorporated into one gigantic com bine. Modifications of this plan would permit all nations to retain their iden tity and some degree of independence, but they would be subject to the su preme command of a centralized au thority. Nations would assume the status of states in a world union. Pending the completion of the war, wide agitation is being carried on to amalgamate the United States in a limited form of Federal Union. Under the widely advertised “ Federal Union, Inc.” plan a “great Republic” would be formed of the United States, Erigland, Canada, and Ireland. After the war, pre sumably, other nations of the world would be invited to join the “great Re public,” which eventually would include all countries. THE TREND TOWARD INTERNA TIONALISM: • it is quite clear that an irresistible sweep toward internationalism is seiz ing control of the thinking of the lead ers of men everywhere. Even the Nazi and Fascist leaders, who gained power by exalting nationalism, are using that power to obliterate nationalistic lines on an ever-widening scale. What is behind this drive in the direc tion of a more radical form of interna tionalism than has previously been popular in this century? In the case of the totalitarian rulers, of course, it is greed for more land and more subjects and more wealth. In the case of the statesmen and politicians of the democ racies, the drift toward international ism is motivated by the widespread ide that this is the way to permanent peace. The theory seems to be accepted with [ Continued on Page 79]
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