HHCS Agent Guide

Agent Guide | Home Health Care Select

Declined Appeals If the applicant wishes to appeal his/her declined application, a written request must be submitted by the applicant to the Underwriting Manager within 60 days of the decision. If more than 60 days have passed since the decline, the applicant will be required to submit a new application and a telephone interview will be completed. All appeals require medical records pertaining to the condition for which the applicant was declined. It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain his/her medical records, as ManhattanLife does not make such requests. Medical records must be submitted to the Underwriting Department directly from the physician’s office and will not be accepted if submitted by the applicant or agent. Please note that ManhattanLife does not reimburse any fees associated with obtaining medical records or other supporting documentation pertaining to the requested appeal. The written request and medical records may be faxed to 1-713-583-2738 and directed to the attention of the Home Health Care Select Underwriting Manager. The request and records may also be mailed to the physical address or post office box on page 37 of this Guide. Application Status Codes • Data Entry: In the process of being keyed into the computer system • Pending Agent Appointment: Application processed, but pending agent appointment • Pending PHI: Pending telephone interview with applicant • Withdrawn: Application closed due to insufficient information or documentation • Declined: Not eligible for coverage Application Assistance If you have any questions about the application or about how to answer any of the questions on the application, please call Standard Life and Casualty at 1-800-672-4535 or email: aces@manhattanlife.com



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