EAST NEW YORK Draft 1-24-2022 Starred



Sandeford and Bentley accompany OPAL MCKAY - Black, thirties - as they move quickly toward the ICU. Two UNIFORM COPS guard the door; a NURSE blocks the doorway -- NURSE Sorry, you can’t go in there right now. SANDEFORD This is his wife. NURSE Check back in a half-hour. They go toward a seating area -- SANDEFORD (to Bentley)

There’s vending machines downstairs - why don’t you get some coffees.


Bentley nods, goes off --

SANDEFORD (CONT'D) Anyone you can think of your husband might’ve had a dispute with...maybe another driver...? OPAL He’s a good man, my husband. SANDEFORD He work for himself or somebody else? OPAL He work for Al Sayso.


EXT. HOSPITAL - EARLY AFTERNOON Sandeford and Bentley head toward their car -- SANDEFORD

One of the most important things you can have going for you’s the ability to remember. People, places and things. I haven’t seen him in years but I remember Al Sayso. I remember where he lives.


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