EAST NEW YORK Draft 1-24-2022 Starred


Some tepid applause as Haywood takes a deep breath -- HAYWOOD I’ve been a street cop my whole

career. Like a lot of you, I’ve had all kinds of ideas - what could be done differently...what could be done better. That means no more quotas on traffic tickets...if it doesn’t threaten public safety, I don’t wanna know about it. Penny- ante pot busts, selling loosies or loitering - not what we’re here for. I also want to have Members of the Service living where they work. RIVAS Live in East New York? HAYWOOD Right. SANDEFORD Rivas just managed to move out of the Bronx.


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Some laughs --

HAYWOOD I’ve so far gotten the New York City Housing Authority to provide two one-bedroom apartments - rent- free - in Ruskin Gardens.


LYLE This is strictly voluntary, right? HAYWOOD It’s strictly voluntary but I’d want at least a six-month commitment. BRANDY QUINLAN - white, twenties, working-class origin -

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raises her hand --


I’ll do it. Various cops react --


HAYWOOD Why don’t you take some time to think about it.

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