EAST NEW YORK Draft 1-24-2022 Starred




Absolutely not. * Morales knows Killian’s playing for time; ANGLE ON Sandeford and Bentley entering; Sandeford stops by to let Lou-Ann kiss his cheek -- * SANDEFORD What’s the special today? * LOU-ANN * What’s the difference - you always * order the same thing. * SANDEFORD * Don’t mess with success, baby. * Sandeford goes to Killian and Morales -- * BENTLEY * (hanging back) * I’d like to hear the specials. * SANDEFORD * (to Killian and Morales) * INT. PRECINCT HALLWAY - AFTERNOON * ROCCO - middle-aged German Shepherd, leash attached to his * collar - heads toward the Captain’s office. * INT. CAPTAIN’S OFFICE - AFTERNOON Haywood and Yenko go over an enlarged spread sheet of crime statistics on a bulletin board -- YENKO For the past twenty-eight days The guy you wanna talk to’s Nickie Dushkin. Small-time loan shark. It’s possible the van driver missed one payment too many.

we’ve had a fourteen-percent spike in felonious assaults but a sixteen percent improvement from the previous twenty-eight days... HAYWOOD You call six murders in twenty- eight days an improvement?

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