INT. NAIL SALON - MORNING REGINA HAYWOOD - Black, physically fit, hair and makeup deliberate but not fussy - getting her nails done by CAMI - * Vietnamese -- CAMI Big day for you. HAYWOOD Uh huh. CAMI You the boss now. HAYWOOD I’m a boss. I also have a boss. I * have lotsa bosses. Haywood’s phone pings - she reads a text -- * HAYWOOD * (CONT'D) Men are never too busy to think * about sex, are they. * CAMI * That’s a good thing, no? * HAYWOOD * Yeah I guess. * EXT. ATLANTIC AVENUE - MORNING Outside the nail salon. A so-called dollar van - unregulated passenger vans that cruise the avenues in Brooklyn, picking up mostly Black and brown passengers, charging less than the subways and a lot less than taxis; the driver - LYNTON MCKAY - thirties, Jamaican - lets on a family of German tourists -- GERMAN FATHER How much please? MCKAY * Two dollars adults, one dollar children. The German Father starts counting out bills --
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