EAST NEW YORK Draft 1-24-2022 Starred


INT. PRECINCT HALLWAY - AFTERNOON Bentley waits for Sandeford to emerge from the bathroom; when he does, they start walking -- BENTLEY Why can’t we pick up this guy? SANDEFORD We’re not detectives. BENTLEY But we got the guy’s name. SANDEFORD We have our job, detectives have their job. Quinlan sees Sandeford -- * QUINLAN Hey Sandeford. Sandeford and Bentley stop; Quinlan approaches -- QUINLAN (CONT'D) (light-hearted)

I was talking to this guy Winston at Ruskin Gardens - he says you’ve been doin’ some confiscatin’. SANDEFORD He tell you he was selling t-shirts in front of a clothing store? And that I told him three times to move somewhere else. QUINLAN I’m not saying you were wrong... SANDEFORD What a relief. QUINLAN Be good if you could help me out here, Marvin. SANDEFORD I’ll help you out when I have to go into those projects to save your



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