INT. RUSKIN GARDENS LOBBY - EVENING Quinlan tapes a notice of a tenants meeting on a glass panel by the entrance; Winston and Junior stop to read it -- * QUINLAN Tenants meeting. Tomorrow night at seven-thirty. You gonna be there? WINSTON Hell no. Quinlan picks up her suitcase and lamp, goes to the elevator, pushes the button -- JUNIOR You gon’ wait a long time. Been * busted goin’ on a year. * Winston and Junior start away -- QUINLAN You wouldn’t be willing to give me a hand with my suitcase by any chance, would you? Winston takes suitcase, Junior takes lamp; start up stairs -- JUNIOR What floor? *
INT. SIXTH FLOOR LANDING - EVENING Quinlan, Winston and Junior get to the Sixth Floor -- QUINLAN Thanks. Don’t think I’d’ve made it
WINSTON What are you doing here? QUINLAN I’m gonna be living here. WINSTON Cause you wanna live around Black people? QUINLAN I grew up in Yonkers, man. And not the white section of Yonkers.
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