EAST NEW YORK Draft 1-24-2022 Starred


JUNIOR You here cause you po-lice. QUINLAN

You’re right. My bosses want me - and other cops - here so people who live here get to know us and hopefully cooperate with us and maybe the crime rate comes down.



WINSTON People live here already know you. Winston and Junior start down the stairs -- QUINLAN Thanks for the help.

They keep going. Quinlan lugs the suitcase and lamp to her apartment door on which someone’s spray-painted “PIG”.

INT. PRECINCT INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT Killian and Morales with Dushkin; Haywood behind glass -- MORALES How do you know Lynton McKay? DUSHKIN I don’t know him.


MORALES We heard he might’ve borrowed money from you, maybe couldn’t pay it back. Any truth to that? DUSHKIN I already tell you I don’t know this guy. KILLIAN What do you think the chances are that we won’t get your DNA out of the car you drove this morning? DUSHKIN Same as chance I don’t fall for trick - hundred-percent. I think now I talk to lawyer, yes?

From Haywood’s POV --

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