EAST NEW YORK Draft 1-24-2022 Starred


EXT. BUSHWICK AVENUE - NIGHT Killian and Morales stay several car-lengths back from a Mercedes; Mercedes stops in front of a bodega; Dushkin - wearing a black leather coat, goes in.


KILLIAN You thought buying a bar was stupid, right? MORALES You weren’t doing it ‘cause it was smart - you were doing it for Corinne. I get it. Black-Leather-Coat comes out, gets in Mercedes, drives off. * EXT. BUSHWICK AVENUE - CONTINUOUS Killian and Morales following; Mercedes takes a red light; Morales flips on lights and siren; Mercedes pulls over; Killian and Morales approach; DRIVER - Dominican, late teens - wearing Dushkin’s coat; Killian grabs him -- * KILLIAN Where’s the other guy? MORALES (in Spanish) Who gave you the car, papi? DRIVER (in Spanish) Russian guy give me fifty to drive around the block. * Killian walks to his car, controls his emotions (we think); pops trunk, takes a crowbar, smashes Mercedes windshield; he * and Morales walk back to their car -- * MORALES * Feel better? * KILLIAN * I’d feel a lot better if it were * our captain’s car.

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