EXT. COMMERCIAL STREET - MORNING * Officers Lyle and Rivas are rolling yellow police tape across * an intersection; Yenko stands nearby; BUZZ POMERANTZ - * thirties, hipster entrepreneur - approaches -- * POMERANTZ * What’s happening, guys? * LYLE * Ask the Lieutenant. * POMERANTZ * (to Yenko) * Why are you closing off the street? * YENKO * Problem? * POMERANTZ * Yeah it’s a problem - I have a wine * and cheese shop on this street - * nobody can get through if it’s * closed off. * YENKO * Some people like to bid up prices * on E-bay for sport, some people * like to close off streets. You * never know what makes someone tick. * Pomerantz gets it, takes out his phone. * EXT. RUSKIN GARDENS PLAYGROUND - MORNING Sandeford and Bentley cross the playground where some TEENAGERS are shooting a basketball at a chain basket -- SANDEFORD Wait here for me. Sandeford goes into the building -- BENTLEY (to Teenagers) National holiday? The Teenagers don’t respond --
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