SANDEFORD One of them over at Ruskin Gardens snatched my partner’s hat. GOODY How the hell you let ‘em do that?
* * * *
I was playing basketball.
His sport’s tennis.
Sandeford and Goody exchange a look --
* *
Check back with me tonight.
INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR/HOSPITAL ROOM - EVENING Outside McKay’s room. DIDIER TOURE - late teens, African, strikingly handsome - approaches Quinlan --
DIDIER This Lynton McKay’s room? QUINLAN Who wants to know? DIDIER I’m his friend. QUINLAN
What’s your name? DIDIER Didier. Quinlan opens the door --
(to Opal) Didier’s here? Quinlan indicates Didier should go in, decides to go in after * him. * INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - CONTINUOUS McKay hooked up to monitors; Opal styling her husband’s dreadlocks with difficulty; Quinlan and Didier enter --
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