EAST NEW YORK Draft 1-24-2022 Starred


MORALES They say he’s going to transform

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East New York.

BRENDA SYKES If all goes according to plan, he

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absolutely will.

INT. LUSTIG RECEPTION - AFTERNOON * Slick, expensively furnished. Architectural models of various * projects and a model of a Boeing Business Jet. Killian and * Morales in front of receptionist CHARISMA - twenties, Black, * memorable hair and nails -- * CHARISMA * Can I get you anything? * KILLIAN * Thanks, we’re good. * CHARISMA * Let me see if he’s free. * Charisma goes toward an inner office -- * KILLIAN * Why would a guy with this set-up be * mixed up in a car jacking? * MORALES

Why would Miss Coppertone 1995 lie about the last time she saw the African kid?

INT. ARI’S OFFICE - AFTERNOON Lustig shows off a model of the mixed-use development he’s building in East New York -- ARI LUSTIG

Retail space on the ground floor...eighty-five units above...space for what I hope will be a culinary school and yoga studio. MORALES What’s your relationship with Brenda Sykes, Mr. Lustig?


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