HAYWOOD Someone let the cat out just now?
The Elderly Woman nods --
He in here? The Elderly Woman shakes her head no; Haywood moves through * the apartment cautiously, sees a window open in the kitchen. EXT. TENEMENT FIRE ESCAPE/ROOF - CONTINUOUS Haywood sees no sign of Ski-Mask, goes up to the roof; approaches water tank; suddenly pigeons roosting are * disturbed, fly off; Haywood, adrenaline pumping, goes around * the water tank expecting to find Ski-Mask but he’s not there; * As Haywood looks out over the Borough of Brooklyn, she knows * a cold-blooded killer has disappeared, catches her breath, * focuses her mind. * EXT. ATLANTIC AVENUE - LATE MORNING Crime scene. Street blocked off by police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, coroner vans and TV news trucks; Haywood being questioned by DETECTIVES TOMMY KILLIAN - white, forties, more reliant on charm than now-fading good looks and CRYSTAL MORALES - Puerto Rican, thirties, guarded -- HAYWOOD I’d put his height at five- * LIEUTENANT STAN YENKO - white, fifties, hums show tunes, runs through rosters of the New York Rangers among other lists apropos of nothing - approaches -- YENKO eight...stocky build...some kind of tattoos on his left forearm...gun looked to be a Glock Nine.
Van driver’s on the way to Kings County...two others who were shot both DOA. Yenko’s phone pings - he goes off to check it out --
HAYWOOD I didn’t have a clean shot or I
* *
would’ve taken it.
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