One... Haywood shoots Dushkin between the eyes.
EXT. TETERBORO AIRPORT RUNWAY - NIGHT Police cars, ambulances, Medical Examiner van - lights flashing - surround the Gulfstream; Councilman Sharpe’s SUV pulls up with Alphonse driving; Sharpe gets out. * * Killian and Morales question Lustig; Crime Scene Cops mark * off physical evidence; Medical Examiner Personnel prepare to * take out Dushkin’s body -- LUSTIG INT. BOEING BUSINESS JET - NIGHT
I told the Captain how incredibly grateful I am for what she did. I mean nerves of steel, right? This guy Dushkin was crazy...if not for the Captain, I’m dead. MORALES Where’d the thirty-five-thousand Brenda Sykes sent Dushkin come from, Ari?
No idea.
MORALES Brenda’s been charged. When she’s looking at life in prison, what do you think she’s gonna tell us? LUSTIG I didn’t care for your tone last time - I like it even less now. I’ve just been through a major ordeal - any more questions, you’re going to have to talk to my lawyer. KILLIAN You can call him from the precinct.
EXT. TETERBORO AIRPORT RUNWAY - NIGHT Killian and Morales walk Lustig out in handcuffs; Haywood
* *
stands with Sharpe --
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