* * * * *
Nice whip, Lieutenant.
Sometimes it all works out, Tommy. Sometimes it all works out.
INT. GOODY’S - NIGHT * Cops present include Morales, Kee, Lyle and Rivas; Killian * and Corinne enter, approach Goody; Killian puts the thing on * the bar -- * KILLIAN Open it. He pulls back the wrapping paper -- GOODY A bat? CORINNE Roy Campanella’s bat. GOODY You’re kidding. KILLIAN Game-used in the 1955 World Series. GOODY
Lemme get this straight - you’re supposed to gimme thirty-thousand as a down-payment... CORINNE We can show you an appraisal... GOODY Instead you’re giving me a baseball bat. (beat) Campy’s bat.
A beat - Goody starts to tear up -- GOODY (CONT'D) The joint’s yours.
LATER - Killian, Morales, Corinne and Goody seated in a booth; Goody holds bat which he’s been unable to put down; Sandeford and Bentley enter; Goody gets up, goes toward the bar --
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