EAST NEW YORK Draft 1-24-2022 Starred


RIVAS She was awarded the Combat Cross when she was with Anti-Crime.



Shut up. * ANGLE ON CHIEF WALTER UNSELD - middle-aged, white, wears two * stars signifying Borough Commander - stands with other * Bosses. ANGLE ON Sandeford and Bentley -- * BENTLEY * Who are those guys? SANDEFORD Bosses. The one in the middle’s * Chief Unseld - he’s our new * Captain’s rabbi. * An SUV with black-out windows pulls up; COUNCILMAN RAYMOND O. * SHARPE - sixties, Black, expects to be center of attention - gets out, along with his bodyguard ALPHONSE and ARI LUSTIG - * white, forties, trim, dressed casual but expensive; Bosses go to Sharpe as soon as they see him -- SHARPE What are we looking at, Chief? UNSELD Attempted car-jacking. Driver of a * dollar van shot and wounded...two fatalities. The new Precinct * Commander of the Seven-Four happened to be on the scene when it jumped off. ANGLE ON Haywood (Sharpe’s POV) -- SHARPE That her? UNSELD Yeah. SHARPE Bring her over here. UNSELD (calls to Haywood) Captain? Haywood starts over --

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