Allegheny County 2022 Highlights Report

IMPROVING INFRASTRUCTURE DIT completed several infrastructure projects in 2022, fully modernizing its technology base. Key efforts included migrating over 4,000 third party-operated telephone lines to the county’s unified communications system. This modern system complies with Enhanced 9-1-1 regulations and can offer more flexible communications solutions in shorter amounts of time. DIT also implemented redundancy on its metropolitan network (which connects all the county’s sites), increased the capacity and resiliency of its internet presence, and expanded connectivity at county parks. In keeping with the focus on cyber security, DIT increased technical security around elections, increased network segmentation, created new security boundaries, protected data backups, and implemented a standard security framework.

MANAGING RISK A key initiative of DIT in 2022 was the creation of a Risk Management Office (RMO). This effort has included onboarding top talent, implementing a risk management platform, enumerating assets, identifying threats, and quantifying threat levels. The office is responsible for complying with Payment Card Industry, Criminal History Information Act, Pennsylvania Justice Network, and Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act data security standards. The RMO also manages risks and compliance associated with technology vendors and partners and will consolidate IT policies and practices into standard operational polices used for future operations and technology acquisitions. DIT is actively working with all county departments to educate and implement this process. DIT expects this program to control cyber liability insurance costs and reduce threat exposures.


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