Allegheny County 2022 Highlights Report

Kane Community Living Centers Program Spotlight CAREER LADDER PROGRAM

In 2022, the Kane Community Living Centers rounded out their Career Ladder program by providing a Licensed Practical Nurse program. The purpose of the program is to train more nurses to work within the centers and to gain a long-term commitment from the nurses by adding LPN training to the mix. Although Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) is the natural and usual partner for Kane on education projects, CCAC does not provide an LPN program. Greater Johnstown Career and Technology Center, Monroeville Campus, was selected as the training provider. In order to make the training more affordable, five Kane nurses were trained to become LPN instructors.

There are now 15 Kane employees that have passed the Health Education Systems Incorporated test, a reliable assessment and prediction tool for success in LPN school. Kane enrolled 12 of these employees in the October 2022 LPN class at Greater Johnstown Career and Technology program in Monroeville. On-site clinical training for students in the LPN program is provided at the Kane McKeesport Center. ANTICOAGULATION THERAPY Anticoagulation therapy is commonly used to prevent blood clots. It is also used for various heart conditions and circulatory problems, including heart attack patients, prosthetic heart valves, treatment or prevention of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Although effective in many of these uses, it can also be deadly if not properly monitored. Elderly patients are more likely to be on anticoagulant drugs and are also more likely to have adverse reactions. Appropriate dosing of the geriatric resident requires careful and frequent monitoring. Prothrombin Time and International Normalized Ratio (PT-INR) testing is done to measure how quickly the blood clots. The result of this test helps the physician determine the correct dosing of the anticoagulant drug. In the past PT-INR testing was done at the lab only. In 2022 the Kane Community Living Centers purchased PT-INR testing machines for all four facilities. The Nursing Department received the proper training and now the Kanes are able to receive immediate results on PT-INR tests. This means that the physician can make timely and accurate decisions on anticoagulant therapy dosing on the same day of the patient visit. Because of the timely results residents can avoid the consequences of excessive bleeding or hemorrhaging due to abnormal clotting times. VALUE-BASED CARE MODEL Many insurance companies and other payors are moving from the existing payment model to a Value- Based Care Model. In the Value Based Care Model, the insurance companies are expecting high-quality outcomes requiring better coordination of patient experiences across the continuum of care. Towards this, the insurance companies are providing education, cost awareness and actionable data to providers. Under the Value-Based Model, incentives are being given to providers in addition to the base reimbursement. The Kane Centers are well positioned to leverage these incentives in 2023 as it has invested in technology over the last few years which can provide actionable data and help better outcomes for its residents. RANKING OF AMERICA’S BEST NURSING HOMES On an annual basis, Newsweek Magazine along with research firm Statista, publishes a ranking of America’s Best Nursing Homes. The rankings are based on three critical criteria: overall performance data, peer recommendations, and each facility’s handling of COVID, relative to in-state competition. In 2022, three Kane Community Living Centers appeared in the top 25 nursing homes in Pennsylvania. These outstanding ratings will help county residents be even more inclined to select one of the Kane Community Living Centers to care for their loved ones.


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