Allegheny County 2022 Highlights Report

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT The Emergency Management Agency (EMA) division responded to several truck incidents and two train derailments involving hazardous materials. The Hazardous Materials Team spent weeks working with local agencies to clean up a Memorial Day weekend train derailment in Harmar Township that leaked petroleum distillates into the Allegheny River. Together, emergency responders succeeded in containing and controlling a potentially catastrophic incident. The EMA division activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to support U.S. Secret Service during three local visits by the President and Vice President of the United States.

Trainings in 2022 included a Beaver Valley Power Station exercise for contiguous counties that included an EOC activation and a mass evacuation and decontamination exercise. Both state and federal emergency management agency personnel evaluated the exercises. The division also obtained 100% compliance with all 130 municipalities accepting and adopting the County Hazard Mitigation Plan for the first time.


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