Allegheny County 2022 Highlights Report

AGENCY OUTREACH AND COLLABORATION ACOME strives to strengthen the team of local law enforcement and criminal justice agencies by supporting interagency collaboration and networking. To that end, the office was able to resume training endeavors in 2022, including: • Law Enforcement Latent Print Processing Training • Courtroom Testimony Training • Annual ACOME Coroner’s Education training These training sessions resulting in more the 80 participants coming together from over 12 different agencies. ACOME employees have been able to increase cooperation and communication within this dynamic field by creating networks, participating in national organizations, speaking at events, participating on boards and committees for the organizations, and working together to solve common concerns. ACOME staff are members of these organizations, which provide such opportunities to interact with individuals across the Commonwealth to share best practices: • The Pennsylvania Forensic Laboratory Director’s Working Group

• Pennsylvania State Association of Coroners • American Society of Crime Lab Directors • Association of Forensic Quality Assurance Managers PEER TEAM WELLNESS COLLABORATION

In 2022, ACOME continued to expand its peer support and mental wellness team in order to address the need for mental health awareness for all members working in the field of forensics. Expanded outreach included: • Weekly wellness newsletter updates across the entire Commonwealth through the Pennsylvania State Police Forensic Laboratories, the Philadelphia Bureau of Forensics Services and the State Coroner’s Association as well as across the country to agencies in locations such as New York, Florida. • Interagency training opportunities including topics such as Compassion Fatigue and the Power of Mindfulness. In addition, ACOME organized a weeklong series of appreciation and wellness activities for their team members during the 2022 National Forensic Science Week including: • Employee Appreciation Breakfast • Therapy Dog Visits • Family Day Event PROCESS IMPROVEMENT ACOME continued its process improvement efforts, striving for greater efficiency and a reduction in backlogs. These improvements result in ACOME being able to provide timely information for law enforcement, the courts, and county residents.


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