Allegheny County 2022 Highlights Report

on the individual officers/detective’s assignments. This training occurred on various shifts and was designed to mirror the officers’ working conditions. The scenarios ranged from fleeing occupants and suicidal persons to active assaults. The officers were given a brief review of their performance identifying strengths, weaknesses and how to improve their overall awareness to threats facing the public and current law enforcement practices.

Active Shooter/Active Assault Training - This training assists officers in responding to ongoing active shooter situations without relying on/ waiting for specialty units (SWAT/ERT). The first responding officer may need to take action to resolve the situation and save lives. Through demonstration, practical exercise, and “reality based” simunitions training, the 2-day course introduces officers to response tactics that will increase the safety of the public and increase the officers’ chance of survival when facing an

active threat. Officers learned the importance of using good tactics and teamwork when responding, containing, and/or eliminating the active threat. This training was provided to all Allegheny County Police officers, the Allegheny County Housing Authority Police and Sheriff’s deputies in October and November 2022.


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