Allegheny County 2022 Highlights Report

EDUCATION ADVOCACY PROJECT 312 clients received education advocacy assistance 177 new EAP clients 26 EAP clients received a diploma 7 EAP clients received a GED

EAP Clients by AssistanceType

Indirect Advocacy 73

Direct Advocacy 239

TRIAL DIVISION 3,650 cases closed 334 of bond motions filed 135 detainer motions filed 194 non-jury trials 18 jury trials

EAP Client Services Provided 31 clients helped with educational support evaluations or early re-evaluation requests 81 individualized educational support plans meetings attended 10 clients represented by attorneys in school discipline hearings 16 home visits to assist with school paperwork 11 clients helped to obtain a necessary identity document 6 prospective school tours with clients and their families


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