Allegheny County 2022 Highlights Report

Public Works

ABOUT To provide the residents and visitors of Allegheny County with world-class infrastructure, maintenance, and engineering services in a timely, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible manner. MISSION The primary responsibility of the Department of Public Works is to ensure that county roads and bridges are safe and accessible. That includes the design, construction, and maintenance of major public assets. The department also purchases and maintains the county’s fleet of almost 800 vehicles and heavy equipment. The department is accredited by the American Public Works Association (APWA) and is the only department in Pennsylvania with this distinction. 221 people work in the Allegheny County Department of Public Works. These individuals fulfill many roles: directors, administrative staff, maintenance supervisors, field managers, laborers, drivers, heavy equipment operators, iron workers, sign crafters, fleet maintenance staff, roads engineering staff, bridge engineering staff, construction engineering staff, right of way staff, permits staff, financial staff, contracts staff, purchasing and inventory staff, safety and compliance staff and public information officer.


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