Allegheny County 2022 Highlights Report

PILOT GRANT PROGRAMS 2022 Children Initiatives Highlights

$6,373,711 awarded $2,083,354 disbursed across 24 programs at 41 sites 584 children served

Children Initiatives Program Spotlights

ALLEGHENY CHILD CARE MATTERS PILOT In April 2022, DCI launched a pilot of a county- level subsidized child care program for Allegheny County’s working families. Eligible families are above Pennsylvania’s Child Care Works (CCW) subsidized child care income limits but under 300% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines and meet CCW’s eligibility requirements for work and/ or educational hours. The Allegheny County Child Care Matters Pilot (ACCM) is sharply focused on supporting children’s equitable access to stable, quality child care while allowing working families to maintain or increase their participation in the workforce. In 2022, 184 children in 122 families

living in 52 municipalities have been served by ACCM through 85 unique, non-relative providers. Of the families participating in this pilot, 85% are working full-time at 89 different employers across Allegheny County.

What are families saying?

"I am looking forward to getting help enrolling [my] daughter into a facility due to struggles with COVID and short staffing issues limiting me from working more hours."

"...families won't have to choose whether to work overtime or not work at all because affording child care isn't feasible [for] working normal hours."

"Help families get back on their feet after having to leave for maternity leave."

"Continued assistance with child care so I can remain at work."


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