Allegheny County 2022 Highlights Report

HIGH-QUALITY INFANT & TODDLER CHILD CARE AND OUT-OF-SCHOOL TIME SUPPLY BUILDING One of DCI’s core goals is supporting the early care and education (ECE) and out-of-school-time (OST) programs across the county. In response to the demonstrated need for these services, DCI released two funding opportunities and awarded almost $5M to high-quality child care and OST providers across the county. DCI-funded programs are projected to add nearly 500 new high-quality infant and toddler child care slots, and over 600 new quality OST slots. In addition, DCI funded programming is working to create new certified home-based child care providers in Allegheny County, to increase the number of quality, stable, home-based child care slots. EARLY LITERACY PROGRAMMING

Building early literacy opportunities for all of Allegheny County’s young children is essential to ensuring that they are ready for kindergarten and to experience success in school. Children need and deserve print-rich environments and engaged adults to ensure that early literacy learning is offered across environments and as often as possible. DCI awarded a total of $252,796 among three organizations to support expansion of early literacy programming across the county. Grantees have already exceeded their target

of serving approximately 250 children by serving over 400 children through either new or expansion of existing evidence-based models in unserved and underserved areas in Allegheny County. WORKFORCE SUPPORTS

DCI is focused on supporting the ECE and OST workforce in Allegheny County. In 2022, DCI awarded grantees a total of $770,300 to design and implement a Workforce Readiness and Supports Pilot Program to increase the number of Allegheny County’s ECE and OST job-ready staff, support professional growth for existing ECE and OST staff, and provide support to the ECE and OST programs hiring participants. The programs are projected to serve 150 members of Allegheny County’s ECE and OST workforce, in turn supporting child care and OST programs, and the families and children they serve.


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