Allegheny County 2022 Highlights Report

DATA GOVERNANCE AND DATA CATALOG IMPLEMENTATION As a part of its ongoing data governance initiative, the county acquired a data cataloging platform in 2022, called The catalog will function as a one-stop shop for county staff to obtain data definitions and business context from data sources across all county departments. Additional benefits include compiling data documentation into a single and easily navigable location, improving interdepartmental collaboration, decreasing knowledge loss due to employee turnover, and producing analytic products, such as reports and dashboards. To effectuate the data catalog implementation, CountyStat identified and trained data stewards - individuals with working knowledge of their department’s data and responsible for managing data assets - from each department. CountyStat will continue efforts to implement the data catalog in 2023. CountyStat Program Spotlights Expanding its process improvement training curriculum, CountyStat rolled out an advanced process improvement class focusing on the theory and methodology of Lean Six Sigma. Class topics include a review of the fundamental building blocks of process improvement, distinguishing between the illusion of progress and actual improvement, understanding the difference between proactive and reactive approaches, and how to use the DMADV (Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify) process. In 2022, CountyStat trained 45 county employees across three departments, and will conduct additional trainings in 2023. Fleet Mileage and Fuel Logs Project In conjunction with the departments of Facilities PROCESS IMPROVEMENT Process Improvement Training

Management, Public Works, and Information Technology, CountyStat developed and implemented the conversion of mileage and fuel tracking for county-owned vehicles from paper-based logs to a digital platform. This eliminated excess paper and reduced time spent completing multiple paper logs. Initially implemented for Facilities Management, the new digital solution will be implemented across all county departments in 2023. Purchasing Platform Improvements

Since transitioning to the Bonfire procurement software two years ago, the Purchasing Division has managed over 400 projects and has amassed a vendor base of over 5,000 companies. In 2022, in conjunction with the Purchasing and Marketing divisions of Administrative Services, CountyStat managed an initiative to enhance the education of vendors on Bonfire’s application features, functions, and training modules, encourage vendors to utilize Bonfire’s features, alert vendors of bounce-back emails, and conduct semi-annual spot checks on tabulation results. The goal is to have Purchasing solicitations reach more qualified vendors, resulting in more and better bids and proposals for county procurements, and greater confidence in software bid tabulation.


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