Allegheny County 2022 Highlights Report

ACTIVE ALLEGHENY The Active Allegheny Grant Program assists municipalities with developing plans and designs for improving bicycle and pedestrian transportation. In 2022, ACED awarded four grants through the Active Allegheny Grant Program helping municipalities to undertake active transportation plans and design a sidewalk connector that will link a residential area to a commercial corridor and nearby transit routes. $12,000 Ross Township $50,000 Richland Township $30,100 Churchill Borough $30,000 Neville Township PENN HILLS HOMEBUYER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM In collaboration with the Municipality of Penn Hills, ACTION-Housing, Inc., and local lenders, ACED assisted 17 moderate-income families in purchasing homes in Penn Hills through the Penn Hills Homebuyer Assistance Program. The Penn Hills Homebuyer Assistance Program is designed to provide down payment and closing cost assistance of up to $14,500 in financing in the form of a forgivable second mortgage for the purchase of a home in Penn Hills. In 2022, $278,500 was provided to moderate-income households meeting eligibility criteria.

Penn Hills HomeownershipAssistance Program Total funds provided to moderate-income households



$- $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000






ALLEGHENY COUNTY BLIGHT REMOVAL PROGRAM In 2022, the Municipal Division conducted its second round of funding for the Allegheny County Blight Removal program. The program, created under ACT 152 of 2016, permits the county to dedicate $15 from each deed transfer to combat blight within the county. The program evaluates structures based on blight conditions and focuses on demolishing hazardous structures, site preparation for development projects, and multi-phase planning efforts.

Allegheny County Blight Removal Program

Year Funded Municipalities Funded Amount Structures Demolished

2022 31 $2,125,000 103

2021 30 $2,210,076 106


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