A STUDY IN PINK MASTERgreen22.04.10 Script


HELEN He went to Waterloo, sorry. Just get a cab. JEFFREY I never get cabs! Helen smiles, glances round - the others are far enough away for her to say: HELEN I love you. Jeffrey smirks. JEFFREY When? HELEN Get a cab. On Jeffrey: now THAT’s good news. Looks around for the TAXI sign, starts heading away... We fade quickly to black and up on: 6 A much less glamourous office. Empty, maybe even abandoned. Sitting at an old conference table is ... INT. DESERTED OFFICE - DAY Jeffrey Patterson. He is staring down at something. A little pill bottle sitting on the table before him. He seems to brace himself. Ready himself. He reaches for the pill bottle. His hands are shaking violently he can barely undo the top. Now he’s staring at the pill in his hand. Disbelieving. Can’t quite grasp that he’s really going to do this - - and he slams the pill into his mouth, bites down on it. For a moment, nothing. And under this a voice - tremulous, tearful. MARGARET (V.O.) Sir Jeffrey Patterson, my husband, was a happy man who lived life to the full. As she speaks, a troubled look in his eyes. Then real fear. On his hand as it slams down on the table, like he’s convulsing in pain. And on slam , we cut to: CUT TO:



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