Mostly. With the medications. We didn’t tell a lot of people, because, well, his pride ... Then, recently, his hand was... So he went to get some routine tests. I’ve been so busy with JOAN (CONT'D) MOM & SON ESQ. P.I. - "PILOT"
this case, I lost track of... But Parkinson’s does progress. And I... Todd is silent, processing. Joan exits to hide her emotions: JOAN (quietly) I need to use the - where is our new - the powder room. Excuse me. Joan goes back inside. Then Todd frantically dials his phone: ALLISON (ON PHONE) Todd I can’t talk I’m going into surgery. I don’t care about the rent! TODD (hushed) No no no, Mom, Harry -
listen, Harry has disappeared. Maybe he’s, he’s left Mom? She’s - did you know Harry has Parkinson’s disease? ALLISON (ON PHONE) (pause) Yes. I knew. He disappeared? TODD He disconnected his phone and - wait you knew? You knew and I didn’t? ALLISON (ON PHONE) You have been fighting with Mom for 2 years. How long has he been gone? TODD 5 or 6 hours? ALLISON (ON PHONE) (pause, dark) Todd. Harry’s Father killed himself. Like 20 years ago. He was diagnosed with brain cancer and
couldn’t deal with it so he - he jumped off the Fremont Bridge. Todd, aghast, turns to see the majestic gleaming white Fremont Bridge in the distance. ALLISON I - I really can’t talk. I’ll call you as soon as I can.
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