And if you play your cards right, you can sometimes get in there. (tries door) Stay here, I’ll try up front. JOAN (CONT'D) MOM & SON ESQ. P.I. - "PILOT"
Joan walks off. Shortly thereafter, a BOOKISH YOUNG FEMALE CLERK (29) appears at the glass door (but keeps it closed): CLERK JENNY (through glass) Can I help you? I heard someone rattling the door. Todd falls back on instinct: LIE to get what you want. TODD
Oh ... Yes, I’m Inspector Bink with the Portland Gas Company and someone has reported a leak? In the Records Room. And I need access to check that out. CLERK JENNY (cracks door) A gas leak? Are we in danger? I didn’t smell any... TODD Yes, you should evacuate while I-- Joan appears in the hallway behind the clerk. JOAN Todd. What are you doing? CLERK JENNY (turns) Joan? JOAN
How are you, Jenny dear. The new guard let me in, Edgar. I have a pressing matter - and this is Todd, my son. Can you let us into the Records Room? Clerk Jenny gives Todd a very slow, dry look - now realizing that he was trying to lie his way past her. He smiles. INT. COUNTY COURTHOUSE - RECORDS ROOM - NIGHT JOAN And how is your mother? The bank let her back into her home? CLERK JENNY
Yes, I can’t thank you enough. But I really need to go back upstairs now. Let me know if you need anything. Or if you smell any dangerous gasses.
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