JOAN Something bad enough for them to fake an injury and slow down the case. TODD Are you sure she didn’t kill him? JOAN TODD. We should go. I need to-- Suddenly, an alarm blares. A LOUD KLAXON. They jump: JOAN What did you touch?? TODD Todd opens his phone and Joan huddles close. They stare at a small black-&-white NIGHT VISION screen. We see SOMEONE’S feet as they walk in the front door of the yellow house: JOAN WHO WAS THAT? TODD They left the door open... It’s not me! Wait no, it’s my phone! The burners! The cameras we left! There’s activity at that yellow house! Then the person reappears, backing out of the house as they shut and lock the front door (Todd toggles back and forth between two camera views). JOAN It’s a man. Is it... TODD He’s locking the door. What does he have in his hands? What is that? Joan peers in closer. And she just knows (a mother knows): JOAN It’s a baby. Indeed, the MAN (30s, bearded and clearly not Harry) has a small INFANT bundled in his arms. He cradles the baby closer, and then turns and saunters away down the street. TODD Who the hell was that?? END ACT ONE
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