MOM SON ESQ PI 1-23-22 prendergast CLEAN.pdf



ELEANOR (O.S.) Walter. Go fight somewhere else. Now.

Curious, Todd spies Walter and Niki trudging off together. They close themselves into a glass conference room. And suddenly their demeanor changes, drastically. Walter puts a hand on Niki’s shoulder and they whisper, co-conspirators. Todd is intrigued: he wants more info. He heads towards the conference room, but looks back at Eleanor: she is oddly stoic now, dead-eyed, staring at the floor. Todd finds he can’t hear Niki and Walter inside the glass room. So he improvises a fix: inserts ear buds, activates his phone and deftly slips it under the door (it slides behind a plant, unnoticed). He ducks for cover and listens: WALTER And that is our secret. NIKI

I only wanted to protect her. You said it was the right thing to do. But what if she-- WALTER Let’s just calm down and get through this. If anyone can get her off, it’s this bitch lawyer Eleanor hired.

Todd is ALARMED to hear that: bitch?! Just then, Joan arrives leading Kim and (a suddenly warmed up, smiley/needy) Eleanor into this very same conference room. JOAN Oh, here you are. WALTER AND NIKI Good morning, good morning! Todd scowls at Walter and Niki being fake-nice to his Mom. JOAN

Thank you for coming back in on such short notice. So. I’ve discovered that the Prosecution has a new witness. TODD Oh, you discovered this? By yourself? JOAN (CONT’D) And this witness may possess security camera footage incriminating Kim. NIKI (panicked) I thought the parking lot cameras weren’t working? You said--

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