MOM SON ESQ PI 1-23-22 prendergast CLEAN.pdf



SUSAN He’s difficult, I know. But, I - I kinda like to play by the rules.

Todd fumbles, drops his earbud - and Susan picks it up. She can hear Joan’s voice coming from it. She turns to see Joan in the conference room and realizes: Todd is eavesdropping? TODD No no, I’m not... This isn’t... The whole thing makes Susan uncomfortable. She smiles awkwardly and walks away. Todd cringes at how this looks. But he is quickly engrossed in the info/paper Susan handed him... INT. JOAN'S OFFICE - DAY LATER: Joan re-enters her office, finds Todd working: TODD Hey, so I got info on that yellow

house. The man we saw, “Tomas,” is the landlord. He lives down the street, he is married - to “Rosia” - and she’s on instagram holding their newborn baby. JOAN He was probably out for walk... Trying to get the baby back to sleep... TODD Yeah and maybe dropping off something for his new tenant. Harry. Anyway I’ve contacted this “Tomas” and I’m waiting to hear back. JOAN Your sister called me 4 times while I was in my meeting? What is going on? TODD Oh. Um. Well. She - knows. She knows. (beat) I told her about Harry last night before you told me not to tell anybody. I’m sorry. JOAN (cold pause) You told your sister that my husband has disappeared and she didn’t drop everything to rush and be by my side? That’s lovely.

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