MOM SON ESQ PI 1-23-22 prendergast CLEAN.pdf



JOAN Well. I appreciate your concern. And it’s nice to have my whole family here, at this time. (beat) Is your brother coming? Chet, is Jon...? Jon (Allison and Todd’s brother) is Chet’s absent husband. CHET No, unfortunately, he’s still in Hood River. Dealing with the flooding. JOAN Of course, of course. His job is very important. (proud) He’s the General of the National Guard of Oregon. Todd and Allison exchange a look: “ Oh boy .” They all eat. JOAN (pause) Hmmm, you know, this wine is

not very good. What about that cabernet I gave you for Chuck’s birthday? And can we please get some nicer napkins? These are so - thin. ALLISON OK, sure, of course. Chuck, get the wine. CHUCK


(whiny) That’s my cabernet! CHUCK. Todd notes Allison’s sigh and head-shake as Chuck goes to get the wine. Allison seems unhappy with Chuck. Todd ponders this (as he continues to drink up the red wine...) ALLISON

And how is Eleanor’s case going? I mean, her daughter. The one that thought Todd was “odd.” JOAN Kim. We’ve had some bumps as of late. The Prosecution is playing dirty and trying to slide a surprise witness into the... TODD (ever so SLIGHTLY buzzed) Niki and the dad, they have solid alibis, right? JOAN Yes, Todd. And they are not suspects.

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