MOM SON ESQ PI 1-23-22 prendergast CLEAN.pdf



EXT. SMALL MAGIC SHOP - DAY Todd reads from his phone, narrating into his watch: TODD

3:55, absolute ghost town here at the shop of the “Beloved Local Magician Presumed Lost - At Sea.” If you can believe that. “Disappeared off cruise ship after terminal cancer diagnosis. Suspected suicide.” (beat) Dude killed himself. And now he’s renting a yellow house in Gresham. That is magic.

Todd turns, stretches... And notices a sign rising in the distance, about 3 blocks away. He continues narrating: TODD

“Multnomah Garage”? Isn’t that...? That’s where Kim’s boss got shot. Right? Multnomah Garage . That’s it.

He stares, intrigued, then looks back at the AMAZON box. Hmmm. He darts across the street, fishes a small WHITE SQUARE OBJECT from his pocket, punctures the box, and slips the white square inside. Then he hustles off down the street. EXT. MULTNOMAH GARAGE - ROOFTOP - DAY Elevator DINGS! And Todd steps out onto the deserted roof of this parking garage. He notes a few broken security cameras. He paces slowly, trying to deduce where the Boss’ car was: TODD Todd considers the murder. Then he turns and looks out over the city. And just a few blocks away, he spots the majestic glass towers of the PORTLAND CONVENTION CENTER. He ponders, intrigued, and then exits, headed towards those towers. INT. JOAN'S OFFICE - DAY Joan reviews Niki’s videotaped (nervous, shifty) deposition: NIKI Gets off the elevator, he’s parked - here? Doesn’t see who’s hiding behind - there? Gets into his car. Blammo.

Yeah, we broke up a few times. Once ‘cuz I took her phone and read all her texts and emails. But, I was worried about her. She gets so depressed and I thought she might - hurt herself. Or do something, you know - drastic...

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