TODD Loser. Yeah, here we go, still has his passwords... But - he deleted all his emails too. See. Maybe his junkmail
folder... (reads) Walk-in-bathtub, increase libido, goodbye belly fat... JOAN (points) United Airlines? Todd clicks the email, opens it, reads it. PAUSE. TODD He booked a flight. With points. JOAN What?! When?! How do you-- TODD
“Mileage Plus Points redeemed: 97,000.” He’s flying... tomorrow. JOAN He is?? Where’s he going?? TODD It doesn’t say. JOAN What are all these numbers - right here - by the barcode? UAL928221010AMPST... TODD That’s - the date. Of the flight. Monday, 9/28/22. And 1010AM must be - his departure time? He’ll be at the airport - tomorrow morning - at 10:10 a.m.. (pause) Mom, we’ve got him.
Joan stares at Todd - grave, upset: JOAN
I have to be in court tomorrow morning. The trials resumes at 9 a.m. They sit there, stumped. Then Todd looks at Joan, squinty, as he hatches a plan: TODD I might have a way for you to be in both places at once... END ACT THREE
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