INT. AIRPORT - MORNING Todd sees the text, turns to the droning speaker, riveted: TODD Gate 47. ON IT. INT. COURT - MORNING The Judge and Prosecutor talk in hushed tones at the bench, while Kim and Joan stare at the Chinese Woman, and whisper: KIM Joan, I’m scared. What does she...? JOAN It’s OK. We’ll see what she has. Joan and Kim size each other up: Joan is strong, Kim is innocent. They clasp hands. The Judge signals his approval, and the Prosecutor points to the Chinese Woman: “You’re up.” INT. AIRPORT - GATE 47 - MORNING Gate 47 is mostly empty. Todd looks out at the plane: TODD Crap! Maybe he’s already onboard. I gotta... I gotta... On instinct, Todd pushes open an alarmed door. The (lazy but loud) alarm sounds. The frazzled GATE AGENT goes to shut it off, and Todd slips down the gangway onto the plane. INT. COURTROOM - MORNING FREDERICK BARRETT Mrs. Lin, can you tell the jury why you were here, in Portland, on the night of December 10th, last year? The Translator stands next to the box. Mrs. Lin sits in the box, speaking quietly (in Chinese): TRANSLATOR
I was here for - a work conference - sorry, convention. New product launch. I work for - the manufacturer.
INT. AIRPLANE - MORNING Todd boards the plane on high alert. He walks slowly down the aisle, peering into every seat...
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