MOM SON ESQ PI 1-23-22 prendergast CLEAN.pdf



FREDERICK BARRETT And now we’ll look at just one frame, taken from that same footage. Hang on. We have to switch hard drives...

INT. AIRPLANE - MORNING Todd chews Harry out, piecing the whole mystery together: TODD

You knew that dead Magician, didn’t you? (points at him) Reed College, class of ‘68. His suicide gave you the idea to disappear. What’d you meet his daughter-in-law the estate planner at his funeral? You hire her to handle your affairs, to make your exit nice and clean, because you want us to think you’re dead. So we won’t come looking for you. But HA! You don’t empty your junk mail, you booked this flight with points, United Airline’s blackout dates are MASSIVE, and you couldn’t fly out until today. Am I right? AM I RIGHT? I AM. Jesus Christ, you idiot, you couldn’t just TELL HER? HARRY No! She would never accept it! She would never let me go to Iceland to live in a hut and farm and fish and be naked under the stars. It’s my life! And this is how I want to spend it. CAPTAIN (P.A. SYSTEM) We’re being flagged by security. Apparently someone on board is not... HARRY I know this will be hard on your Mom. But she has you, her kids. And Todd, honestly, it’s time for you to resolve this ridiculous fight with her. TODD Are you kidding?? YOU’RE telling ME how to deal with my mother? YOU--

INT. COURTROOM - MORNING The VIDEO/STILL IMAGE appears: a blurry FIGURE in a blue coat is seen in a stairwell, going up, and holding - a gun? The blurry figure could almost be Kim . Niki gasps quietly...

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