MOM SON ESQ PI 1-23-22 prendergast CLEAN.pdf



INT. JOAN’S OFFICE - DAY Joan is just going out to lunch with Allison as Todd enters: JOAN You look so handsome! Todd! ALLISON You look like an accountant. TODD

Oh thank you, thank you. Wait. Are you guys going out to lunch? Without me? JOAN You have far too many cases to catch up on. I’ll bring you back something. Oh Todd, you look wonderful. This is going to be great for you. A big step up. TODD Up? JOAN I’m sorry, not up. Forward. We can rehabilitate your career and you can - move forward. Allison gives Todd a look: are you buying that? JOAN

Now, the ties, socks and belt in this bag are more professional than the ones you’re wearing. We can take the cost out of your 1st paycheck. And this is your new bus pass because you’re not driving that jalopy into the building. No discussion. (smiles) OK. Be back soon.

Allison gives Todd a dark smirk as she and Joan exit. Todd is ashen-faced: Joan is already controlling his life, again. Then he notices on the desk: Joan has replaced the Harry/Joan wedding photo with a photo of herself holding TODDLER TODD. She smiles, cradling him close: they are both so happy. Todd half-smiles. And points at his reflection in the window: TODD

You are an adult. You can lead your life. And she will not - destroy you. END OF PILOT

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