INT. FRANKLIN SUMMER ESTATE - MAIN PARTY - NIGHT 13 We fly over the Franklin Estate and inside the party that starts the summer: THE LINKS AND BOULÉ OPENING SUMMER GALA. ANGELA (V.O.) ... This isn't just a party... Alvin Ailey dancers move their bodies to the sounds of Nina Simone, as a sea of brown faces sip cocktails and nosh on hors d'oeuvres, all served to them by MOSTLY BLACK servers. ANGELA (V.O.) ... This party is thrown by the HNIC’s around here. INT. FRANKLIN SUMMER ESTATE - MASTER BATHROOM - NIGHT 14 Leah stares at the contents of a DOSSIER on the BOSTON INNER CITY PROJECT. She is on her cell, her voice is calm, but there's a panic underneath... LEAH
Double-check everything in the file. And then triple-check it. And don’t tell my father. ANGELA (V.O.) Leah Franklin-Dupont is the CEO of Franklin Holdings, and the President of the elite women’s social club, the Links.
INTERCUT WITH: INT. FRANKLIN SUMMER ESTATE - MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT 15 Raymond clips a pair of expensive cufflinks to his sleeves. ANGELA (V.O.)
And her husband Raymond owns Darmon Foods, a subsidiary of Franklin. He’s also the Grand Sire Archon of the men’s club, the Boulé. That's Black bougie for "chairman."
BACK INSIDE THE BATHROOM -- Leah places the CONFIDENTIAL FILE in her safe. She checks her lipstick, puts on a smile, then heads out -- ANGELA (V.O.)
And tonight, they're going to meet the Vaughns. I’m going to make them fall in love with Eve’s Crown and get a distribution deal by the end of the summer.
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