OKOP - 101 8th NETWORK DRAFT- 12.21.20 - READY FOR 9TH NETW…




INT. BOSTON APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS - FLASHBACK 20 Angela finds Eve with a MAN whose face she can’t see. But she can hear hushed voices... YOUNG EVE I can’t make a living. I can’t get a loan. And you made me keep quiet -- MAN Take this Eve. It’s something. He hands her an envelope. She throws it in his face. EVE You want to pay me off? Get out! Before I slap the Black off you. She throws the envelope in his face. He walks out. Angela gives chase, desperate to meet her father -- INT. BOSTON APARTMENT - STAIRWELL - MOMENTS LATER - FLASHBACK 21 She finally catches him at the building's entrance. LITTLE ANGELA Wait! I said wait. You're my Daddy. He stops, then walks out, letting the DOOR SLAM IN HER FACE. INT. FRANKLIN SUMMER ESTATE - MAIN PARTY - BACK TO PRESENT 22 Angela and Piggy reach the entrance. Nikki joins, confused. NIKKI Aunt Piggy, you okay? PIGGY I'm okay, baby -- LEAH I'm not sure where you're from, but this is not a strip club. Angela’s desire to impress Leah is gone for now. She suddenly feels like that little girl begging for acceptance. ANGELA



I'm from Bean Town. You think you're better cause you got money? 'Cause you have these folks up in here dancing for you like Kunta Kinte? You think you're Black Excellence? All this don't make you excellent. You got the same naps that I do under all that Gucci and glitter.

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