OKOP - 101 8th NETWORK DRAFT- 12.21.20 - READY FOR 9TH NETW…



ACT TWO INT. EVE'S CROWN - RETAIL SPACE - EARLY MORNING 23 Angela, hair sopping wet and fresh from the shower, presses PLAY on her IG LIVE. Comments from followers fill the screen. ANGELA


Hey y'all. I've been a ghost for a couple of days, but I told you I was moving to the Vineyard for the summer and you know what that means. HUMIDITY. She picks up a jar of Eve's Crown CONDITIONER -- ANGELA (CONT'D)

Mama used to say that a sister who can't do her own hair is a slave to somebody else. Never give up your power to nobody.

Off this, Angela FLASHES BACK -- INT. BOSTON APARTMENT - NIGHT - FLASHBACK 24 Little Angela, still wet from the rain, sits looking out of the window at the street, waiting and watching. Eve enters -- LITTLE ANGELA You think my daddy's coming back? YOUNG EVE Eve goes to the cabinets and pulls out ingredients and a bowl. She starts to make what will become Eve’s Crown’s signature product. YOUNG EVE (CONT'D) I had dreams, baby. I had a small salon and I was gonna turn it into something big. But... Little Angela can see the pain in her Mama’s eyes. LITTLE ANGELA But what... Mama don’t cry... YOUNG EVE We're not gonna talk about him again. Now, get away from that window. I want you to learn this --


I’m done crying. It’s on you now. You’re still gonna be a Queen. Now, take one part honey and add it to this coconut oil. And then I want you to take this rose water...

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