OKOP - 101 8th NETWORK DRAFT- 12.21.20 - READY FOR 9TH NETW…



Off Little Angela, letting this sink into her soul -- INT. EVE'S CROWN - BATHROOM - DAY - BACK TO PRESENT Angela's natural hair is shiny and moisturized. ANGELA This is what it should look like when you're done. But if it doesn't... (emotional from the flashback)



Keep moving. Everyday we get up and fix our hair. And depending on how

we slept, whether the satin cap stayed on or fell off, whether the wrap stayed wrapped, we let the smallest things make us less than. Don’t ever go out like that. Never give up your power for nobody. Angela logs off. Wheels turning, she goes to Lauren Dupont’s profile and notices that she is live. She joins her in progress. LAUREN (on IG) Off Angela, forming a plan -- INT. FRANKLIN HOLDINGS - MAIN OFFICE - DAY 26 The flyest office we've ever seen. Leah walks through clutching the CONFIDENTIAL DOSSIER in her manicured hands. She passes by walls lined with tons of ENLARGED FORBES COVERS touting the conquests of FRANKLIN HOLDINGS in FASHION, AVIATION, NEW MEDIA, SPIRITS, and on every cover is... INT. FRANKLIN HOLDINGS - BOARD ROOM - MOMENTS LATER 27 TEDDY FRANKLIN (60s, smooth as butter, smart as a whip) waxes on in front of executives, including Raymond. Leah enters. LEAH Sorry I'm late, Dad. (holding up folder) A couple of things just came to my attention. And in that moment, he knows that she knows. He keeps going, never one to be knocked off his game. TEDDY First brunch on the Bluffs. The sun is shining and I’m hella hungry --



... Franklin Holdings has a deeply rooted history here in the Bluffs and in the African American community.


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