OKOP - 101 8th NETWORK DRAFT- 12.21.20 - READY FOR 9TH NETW…



LEAH Traci, you handle glam and Ms. Vaughn, you can join the food and beverage committee. ANGELA Snacks? You want me on snacks? LEAH There is no task too small for the sisterhood. Meeting adjourned. Dismissed, Angela turns to see Nikki in the back, fuming -- EXT. LINKS CLUBHOUSE - PARKING LOT - NIGHT



-- They cross the parking lot. NIKKI

You lied about Mama Eve. To what? Impress these saddity bitches and get in their little club? (anger erupts) The only thing you care about is your precious hair products. You missed every school play, every basketball game and for what? So we can move here and you can get your bougie crown? ANGELA I know this place feels different. I know the rules are different here, but I am trying, goddamnit -- NIKKI

By hiding the fact that your mama was a maid and you grew up without a daddy? Frustrated, Angela hauls off and SLAPS her. A couple of LINKS MEMBERS, in the distance, look in her direction. ANGELA Get in the car, Nikki. (a beat) Get in the goddamn car. NIKKI

I didn't have my daddy either. But my Blackness and my fierceness is all the way intact. Are yours?

Nikki walks off, not getting in the car. Angela glances toward the Links women across the lot, craning necks and whispering. Off Angela, mortified.

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