OKOP - 101 8th NETWORK DRAFT- 12.21.20 - READY FOR 9TH NETW…



ANGELA I’m grown. You’re not. She eyes Piggy, then changes tact and softens. ANGELA (CONT'D)

I know you’re mad as hell at me. And maybe you’re right about how this place is making me feel. But all of this is still all about you. As soon as the last breath left my mother's body, I promised myself that I would be a better one to you. I'd really like you to attend the mother- daughter fundraiser with me tomorrow. NIKKI I’m still grounded, so it's not like I have a choice.

Nikki slams out of the room, angry -- INT. EVE'S CROWN - NIKKI'S ROOM - MOMENTS LATER 48 ... But when she reaches the safety of her room, we see the vulnerability of a teenage girl. She picks up a photo of her with Mama Eve and cries. She sinks into a chair, knocking over the bag she was carrying the night of the accident. Taylor's phone tumbles out. Nikki starts to look through it. There are a few selfies and then... A VIDEO OF TAYLOR. She presses play. It's Taylor and Lauren hanging out. But then... they kiss. The phone falls to the floor, and the girls are out of shot. TAYLOR


And your mom thinks I'm the bad influence? I hate lying about us. LAUREN We'll tell everyone, okay? Now c'mere.

Off the sounds of sex and Nikki -- EXT. OAK BLUFFS BEACH CLUB - DAY 49 CLOSE ON A SIGN: LINKS ' MOTHER DAUGHTER FASHION SHOW . A beautifully appointed runway is set up with the ocean as the backdrop. Servers pass champagne and serve beach-themed things to nosh. A quartet plays as the crowd mingles. Angela stands near the refreshment table. JOSEPHINE


How is it in the land of food and beverage? I told you Leah was tough.

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